Chateau Men's Golf Association

Kenner, Louisiana


It is the mission of the Board of Directors to provide every member with the greatest possible return on his investment in the association. In carrying out its mission, the Board’s goals will be:


To plan, schedule and monitor a number of member-only golf tournaments throughout the year. A variety of formats will provide as opportunity for golfers of all skill levels to be in the money in any given tournament.


To provide oversight on members’ handicaps, and take steps to ensure that the playing field is as level as possible. Nevertheless, the golf handicap system has always relied on the integrity of the individual golfer, and it is each member’s responsibility to record his individual scores accurately and promptly.


To promote the true spirit of the game of golf by encouraging proper etiquette and strict enforcement of the rules of the game as defined by the USGA and the AGA.


To provide each member with a USGA handicap through the Chateau Members Golf Association.


To monitor the condition of the golf course, and recommend changes or improvements to the course superintendent and head professional.


To motivate members to participate in the affairs of the Association through committee membership and board service.


To regularly communicate association activities to all members via our Web site, E-mail, U.S. Mail, Chateau’s monthly communiqué and postings in the Pro Shop.


To encourage feed back from all members. Comments written or oral may be addressed to any board member, or presented at any regular board meeting.